Stacie Sears, MSW, LCSW

Stacie Sears, MSW, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Salt Lake City, Utah

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I offer individual therapy and couples therapy.  Individual therapy can help ease anxiety and depression. Couples often seek therapy related to intimacy, communication or trust.

As the physician, Rachel Naomi Remen, said: "We thought we could cure everything, but it turns out that we can only cure a small amount of human suffering. The rest of it needs to be healed, and that’s different."

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An individual and couples therapist with a humanistic approach.



I am a relationship therapist. We live our lives in relation to our own self, others, and our situations.

Distress is often related to our relationships. Therapy can be a place to explore sadness, regret, loss, trust, and other concerns.

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The Gottman Method

The Gottman Method is a research-based approach for strengthening relationships. The three goals of Gottman Couples Therapy are decreasing conflict, enhancing the couple’s friendship, and helping partners create the significance of their relationship. The Gottman Method is an affirmative therapeutic approach for all racial, economic, and religious backgrounds, sexual orientations, and cultural traditions.

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